There are more than 10,000 children needing help escaping abuse and neglect in the state of Oklahoma. Over 25% of the state foster care system is in Oklahoma County. HALO’s mission is to “bring deep healing to children, families and individuals all over the world.” HALO meets the needs of Oklahoma’s hurting children.

About HALO Project

HALO Project was created in 2013 out of a need expressed by Oklahoma foster and adoptive parents. Parents were tired, frustrated, confused and ready to quit. Traditional parenting methods and counseling settings were not proving to be successful. To meet this need, the HALO Program was created to heal to foster and adoptive families. Due to our success, we became our own 501(c)3 in December of 2016 and have an average of over 70 families on the waitlist at any given time and serve 240 families each week.

To meet the needs of our foster families on a more systematic level, HALO created the Oklahoma TBRI Collaborative for Children (OTCC) in 2016. The OTCC has 16 partner agencies and HALO has trained over 2,000 child welfare professionals and teachers in the methods needed to meet the needs of vulnerable children.

In addition to our foster program and the OTCC, HALO took on the challenge of creating an intervention for at-risk populations in 2017. The goal here is to keep children with their families of origin and stop the generational cycle of abuse.

HALO now successfully addresses the needs of Oklahoma’s most vulnerable children on an individual level, a systematic level and in the area of prevention.

Meet Our Team

Cindy R. Lee, LCSW

Cindy R. Lee, LCSW

Executive Director

Libby Boyles, LCSW

Libby Boyles, LCSW


Kristi Hlubek, LCSW

Kristi Hlubek, LCSW


Delaney Ernst

Delaney Ernst

Program Coordinator

Melissa Elder, LCSW

Melissa Elder, LCSW


Hanna Nassar, LPCC

Hanna Nassar, LPCC


Heather Askew, LCSW

Heather Askew, LCSW


Hannah Vogt Taylor, LCSW

Hannah Vogt Taylor, LCSW


Brandon Atkinson, LCSW

Brandon Atkinson, LCSW


Casey Green, LCSW

Casey Green, LCSW


Board Of Directors

Amy Gray

Stephanie Pok

Wendi Weaver

Lauren Sargeant

Lacey Gilliam

Grant Woody

Evelyn Schaefer

John Meyer

Margaret Brooks

Thanks to our amazing Corporate Sponsors

HALO Project International administers our programs in multiple locations in Oklahoma City. You can visit our headquarters at:

HALO Project
401 East Memorial, Suite 500
Oklahoma City, OK 73114

Phone: 405-753-4172
Fax: 405-607-1750

HALO Project Headquarters

401 East Memorial, Suite 500
Oklahoma City, OK 73114

Phone: 405-753-4172
Fax: 405-607-1750