MSOYW Acceptance and Payment – Utah

MSOYW Acceptance and Payment – Utah

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please refer to your email – what is the first date of training?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This includes, snacks and lunch for all training days, materials for the Participant’s experience, Facilitator Manual and Drop Box link with PowerPoints, handouts, and Participant Guide.
This session will cover the version of the Making Sense of Your Worth curriculum for survivors of domestic violence. There are changes in language to the Participant’s Guide and a few changes and adjustments to the curriculum to better meet the needs of this population. Those attending will get the changes to the curriculum, a participant’s guide as well as these additions on the Drop Box link. Participants must have attended the 4 day Making Sense of Your Worth Training to attend this session. Working with survivors of domestic violence requires specialty training. If you are interested in learning more about working with this population or work with this population already this training will further your knowledge. Although all may attend, it is recommended that only licensed, under-supervision clinicians and those familiar with the population utilize this due to the deeper clinical content.
Although the Making Sense of Your Worth curriculum is secular and clinical, we are offering an optional session of training for those interested learning more about facilitating a lighter faith based version of the curriculum. Anchored: A Bible Study on Self Worth is for those wanting to offer a faith-based version to faith-based populations. Please let us know if you plan to attend this additional day. By checking the box below, you are saving your seat for this breakout session.
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